[APPROVED] S&R-002: Science and Dealflow Contributor Proposal

Science and Dealflow Contributor Proposal

This proposal outlines the responsibilities and functions associated with the role of a Science and Dealflow Contributor, which primarily revolves around three core areas of engagement: reaching out to researchers, identifying valuable projects, and representing AthenaDAO at conferences.

Working Group Participation

Connecting with Researchers: The Science and Dealflow Contributor will proactively engage with researchers to establish connections. This outreach will involve identifying and reaching out to potential partners, collaborators, and subject matter experts. Establishing these connections will help enhance AthenaDAO’s network and foster partnerships that align with our mission.

Identifying High-Value Projects: Identification of projects that hold significant value and align with AthenaDAO’s mission. The Science and Dealflow Contributor will use their expertise to evaluate project proposals, with a focus on their translational potential. This process may also include guiding researchers and applicants in refining their project concepts.

Conference Representation: The Science and Dealflow Contributor will serve as AthenaDAO’s representative at conferences and events. This role includes presenting AthenaDAO’s mission and initiatives, engaging with stakeholders, and promoting the organization within the academic and scientific communities.


Monthly, Science & Deaflow Contributor will be compensated for their engagement. There are three tiers of engagement and we will have recurring votes to adjust compensation as the value of ATH changes*. The tiers of engagement are as follows:

  • High Engagement: 800 ATH
  • Medium Engagement: 400 ATH
  • Low Engagement: 200 ATH

*800/400/200 ATH until ATH reaches $1 per ATH, then compensation will become 500/250/100 ATH.


High engagement: 20+ hours/month, attend dealflow meetings (2-4/monthly depending on time zone), complete assignments related to dealflow activities, identifying and sharing high-value projects with dealflow team, engage in discussions and sharing science in general discord chats in dealflow chat, public speaking as approved by Core Team (conference attendance, recordings online, on discord or twitter spaces)

Medium engagement: 10-20 hours/month, attend dealflow meetings (2-4/monthly depending on time zone), identifying and sharing high-value projects with dealflow team, complete assignments related to dealflow activities, engage in discussions and sharing science in general and dealflow discord chats

Low engagement: 10 hours/month, attend dealflow meetings (2-4/monthly depending on time zone), identifying and sharing high-value projects with dealflow team, complete assignments related to dealflow activities

Expectations of Project Lead (high engagement): If a project you are assigned passes through review then you are expected to complete coordination with the applicant and dealflow team from start to finish within that cohort. This includes following up with applicant by email with any additional questions from the dealflow team, scheduling any meetings, attending meetings, leading Q&A with the community

Payment is made at the end of the month after confirmation from the Science & Dealflow WG Lead. All members are expected to fill out this form to receive payment.

Payment through additional bounties and projects

The Science & Dealflow WG Lead can compensate specific contributors based on specific work requests (bounties). In order to incentivise achievement based compensation, rather than rewarding effort alone, we introduce additional rewards for:

Project referrer:

  • 500 USDC if a project you referred is shortlisted
  • Additional 500 USDC if it passess senior review
  • 1% of project value if it is funded

Project lead:

  • 500 USDC for completing a governance proposal
  • 1% of project value if it is funded

Venture Building

AthenaDAO is in progress of spinning out companies and will continue to do so. This is another opportunity for Science and Dealflow Contributors to get further involved in the DAO. There is additional compensation in ATH for contributing to company spinout, which will be agreed upon on a case-by-case basis.

Contributor Projects

We encourage each Science and Dealflow member to pursue individual projects addressing pressing areas of women’s health. There is additional compensation in ATH for completing a contributor project, which will be discussed and agreed upon at the start of the project.

Examples of contributor projects:

  • Managing partnership
  • Creating a resource for an area in women’s health
  • Create One-pager/Course/workshop on women’s health
  • DeSci tooling
  • Decentralized data collection
  • Etc

Process for contributor project approval and bounties:

  1. Present proposal and roadmap of contributor project in dealflow meeting
  2. Voting Y/N by dealflow team members
  3. Plan for scheduled updates with designated dealflow member
  4. ATH distributed as milestones are reached

About AthenaDAO

AthenaDAO is a decentralized community of researchers, funders, and advocates working to advance women’s health research, education, and funding. AthenaDAO primarily sources, funds, and incubates translational R&D. We are particularly interested in transformational contributions to women’s health.

  • Agree
  • Disagree
  • Agree with revisions
0 voters
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Very much needed proposal to specify the role of the contributors and their incentives. Great job, Jenna!

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